Organic-Bio Dried Blonde Raisin ลูกเกดบลอนด์ ตากแห้ง
Organic-Bio Dried Blonde Raisin ลูกเกดบลอนด์ ตากแห้ง
Organic-Bio Dried Blonde Raisin ลูกเกดบลอนด์ ตากแห้ง
Organic-Bio Dried Blonde Raisin ลูกเกดบลอนด์ ตากแห้ง
Macrobiotic World

Organic-Bio Dried Blonde Raisin ลูกเกดบลอนด์ ตากแห้ง

Regular price 136.00 ฿
10 in stock

Organic-Bio Dried Blonde Raisin ลูกเกดบลอนด์ ตากแห้ง

Weight : 100g / 1Kg

Golden Elixirs: The Legacy of Blonde Raisins

The journey of Blonde Raisins begins with the lush vines of Vitis vinifera, an age-old species cultivated for millennia. Historically, these sun-drenched treasures found favor among ancient civilizations, being more than just food, but a symbol of prosperity and nature's bounty. These raisins, with their distinct hue, carry the essence of sun-soaked vineyards, offering a rich tapestry of flavors reminiscent of nature at its best.

Blonde Raisins unfold on the palate with a delicate sweetness, a hint of floral undertones, and a velvety texture. Perfect for culinary and cosmetic uses, these raisins serve as an invaluable addition to various dishes, beauty rituals, or even as a standalone snack. From sweet delicacies to savory masterpieces, their versatility makes them a kitchen staple.


  • Origin - Vitis vinifera: Sourced from one of the most renowned grape varieties, ensuring premium quality and a distinctive taste.
  • Vegan: Crafted without the involvement of any animal-derived ingredients, making it suitable for strict plant-based diets.
  • Gluten-Free: Free from the proteins found in grains like wheat, barley, and rye, catering to those with specific dietary requirements.

Health Benefits:

  • Antioxidant Properties: Blonde raisins are rich in antioxidants, which help counteract harmful free radicals in the body.
  • Digestive Health: Their dietary fiber can assist in promoting regular bowel movements.
  • Energy Boost: High in natural sugars, they provide a quick energy lift during dips in the day.

Product Usage:

Blonde Raisins can be integrated into cereals, baked goods, salads, or consumed directly. They also make for a delightful addition in facial masks and scrubs due to their skin-nourishing properties.

Nutritional Facts (per 100 grams):

  • Macronutrients:
    • Carbohydrates: 79g
    • Protein: 3.1g
    • Fat: 0.5g
  • Micronutrients: Notable minerals include potassium, iron, and calcium.

Suggested Dosage:

Consume a handful daily (approximately 30g) for optimal benefits.


  • Vegan Raisin Bliss Balls:
    • Ingredients: 1 cup Blonde Raisins, 2 cups rolled oats, 3 tbsp almond butter, 2 tbsp maple syrup, pinch of salt.
    • Preparation: Blend all ingredients in a food processor until combined. Roll into balls.
    • Consumption: Enjoy immediately or refrigerate for later.
    • Storage: Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.
  • Quick Raisin and Nut Mix:
    • Ingredients: ½ cup Blonde Raisins, ½ cup mixed nuts, 2 tbsp honey or agave syrup.
    • Preparation: Mix together in a bowl.
    • Consumption: Great for an on-the-go snack.
    • Storage: Store in a cool, dry place.
  • Raisin Facial Scrub:
    • Ingredients: ¼ cup ground oats, 1 tbsp Blonde Raisins (mashed), 2 tbsp almond milk.
    • Preparation: Mix all ingredients to form a paste.
    • Consumption: Gently massage on face. Rinse after 10 minutes.
    • Storage: Use immediately.
  • Detox Raisin Water:
    • Ingredients: 1 cup Blonde Raisins, 2 cups water.
    • Preparation: Soak raisins overnight in water.
    • Consumption: Drink the water on an empty stomach in the morning.
    • Storage: Consume immediately.
  • Expired Raisin Potpourri:
    • Ingredients: Expired Blonde Raisins, orange slices, cinnamon sticks.
    • Preparation: Dry all ingredients in the sun.
    • Consumption: Not edible.
    • Storage: In a dry container for up to 6 months.


Blonde Raisins, with their rich history and culinary versatility, are a testament to nature's generosity. They are an excellent choice for those who value quality, taste, and nutrition. Whether you're a seasoned chef, a vegan enthusiast, or someone seeking the treasures of ancient nutrition, these golden nuggets promise a burst of flavor and wellness.