

Regular price 864.00 ฿


90 Tablets - Dietary Supplement

Unveiling Nature's Bounty through Science and Wellness

Copper by Nature's Plus emerges from the esteemed halls of Natural Organics Laboratories, Inc., a name synonymous with quality and innovation in the realm of nutritional supplements. This meticulously formulated product is a testament to Nature's Plus's commitment to harnessing the potent benefits of natural elements, providing a copper supplement that stands out for its purity, efficacy, and holistic approach to health.

Rich Composition for Optimal Health

  • Core Ingredients: Copper (as soy amino acid chelate), Di-calcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, vegetable cellulose, magnesium stearate, and a protective pharmaceutical glaze.
  • Supplement Facts: Each serving delivers a precise amount of copper, essential for the body's overall health and functioning. The copper is provided in a chelated form, bonded with soy amino acids to enhance absorption and bioavailability.
  • Health Benefits: Copper is crucial for maintaining healthy bones, blood vessels, nerves, and immune function. It also plays a key role in collagen production, energy generation, and the absorption and utilization of iron.

Suggested Use and Portion Size

  • Adults: Follow the recommended serving size on the packaging or consult with a healthcare provider to tailor it to your individual needs.
  • Important Note: As dietary supplement intake can vary by individual, starting with the smallest effective dose and adjusting as necessary is advised.

Supplement Facts and Usage

Copper by Nature's Plus is designed to complement your daily diet with the essential mineral copper, supporting various bodily functions:

  • Bone Health: Contributes to the maintenance of strong and healthy bones.
  • Antioxidant Support: Acts as an antioxidant, fighting off oxidative stress and contributing to overall wellness.
  • Energy Production: Essential in the body's energy production processes.

Important Considerations

  • FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • Allergy Information: Contains soy.

Handling and Sustainability

  • Storage: Keep in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight to preserve the product's integrity.
  • Expired Products: Consult local guidelines on supplement disposal to ensure environmentally responsible handling.

Embracing the Power of Copper with Nature's Plus

Copper by Nature's Plus encapsulates the essence of natural wellness, providing a source of copper that is as close to nature as possible. Its unique formula, enhanced with soy amino acid chelate for better absorption, reflects Nature's Plus's dedication to delivering supplements that not only meet but exceed health and quality standards. Beyond its fundamental health benefits, Copper by Nature's Plus is a reflection of a commitment to natural, sustainable wellness solutions. By choosing Copper by Nature's Plus, you're not just supporting your health; you're embracing a philosophy that values purity, efficacy, and harmony with nature.