Macrobiotic World


Regular price 255.00 ฿


Net Weight: 50g

Organic Bio's Dried Butterfly Pea Flower is an enchanting offering from nature, packaged neatly into a 50g bundle of wellness and beauty. This vibrant blue flower is not only a feast for the eyes but also a treasure trove of health benefits, making butterfly pea tea a delightful and nutritious beverage choice. Known for its rich antioxidant properties and potential to enhance cognitive function, this herbal tea promises a journey of discovery with every sip.

Health Benefits: Organic Bio's Butterfly Pea Flower tea is a powerhouse of antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, which contribute to its vivid blue color. These antioxidants help combat oxidative stress and promote overall health. Additionally, the tea is celebrated for its potential to boost brain health, improving cognitive functions such as memory and focus. It also offers anti-inflammatory properties and is believed to support eye health thanks to its high content of proanthocyanidin.

Taste Profile: Contrary to its exotic appearance, butterfly pea flower tea boasts a mild, earthy flavor that's both full-bodied and malty. Its gentle taste makes it a versatile base for a variety of beverages, enchanting the palate while providing a visual spectacle that's unparalleled.

Nutritional Information: With virtually zero calories and no added sugars, Organic Bio's Butterfly Pea Flower tea is a healthful choice for those watching their dietary intake. Each serving is a step towards wellness, enriching your body with nature's best antioxidants without compromising on flavor or enjoyment.

Suggested Portion Size: For a vibrant cup of Butterfly Pea Flower tea, use about 2 grams (a teaspoon) per 200 ml of water. Steep for 4-5 minutes in just-boiled water to unleash its beautiful blue hue, adjusting the quantity as per your preference for strength and depth of color.

Vegetarian Recipes & Alternative Uses: Beyond brewing a captivating tea, the dried butterfly pea flower lends itself to a spectrum of culinary creations. It can be used to naturally color and enhance desserts, cocktails, and even rice dishes, offering a visually stunning twist that's bound to impress. Its mild flavor pairs wonderfully with lemon, creating magical color changes that delight and surprise.

Sustainability & Handling Expired Product: Embracing our ethos of environmental care, Organic Bio ensures that packaging is sustainable and eco-friendly. Should you find yourself with an expired product, the dried flowers can be composted or used as a natural dye, promoting a philosophy of zero waste and creativity.

Overall Appeal: Organic Bio's Dried Butterfly Pea Flower is more than just a tea; it's an experience. Its unique qualities, from the visually stunning infusion to its wealth of wellness benefits, make it an extraordinary addition to any health-conscious individual's repertoire. Discover the magic of butterfly pea flower tea, and let its vibrant light uplift your spirit and body alike.