Healthy Breakfast Organic / Bio

Let us become truly Healthy.
Let us think seriously about achieving and maintaining good health, how?
We believe that a great part of our health is the result of the food we chose to eat daily.
It is also what constructs our thinking, understanding, actions, how we relate to life and our fellow human beings.
It is our choice, now also a mission to offer the most nourishing organically cultivated foods.
Many friends have asked me why I import products such as Mango, Apple, and other fruit and nuts juices?
Why not promote the local ones?
The answer is simple, I would like very much to offer only local fruits, but it is almost impossible to find certain fruits cultivated Naturally and Organically all year long, the seasons are short, and most organically grown fruits are exported which also adds to the high cost locally We need to pay the same price importers are paying in USD.
Many of our customers are visiting Phuket with their families, they ask for the juices which they like best, we need to keep stocks for the out of season availability, it is very difficult to discuss people's habits and desires at the time of meals when ordering we try to cover most items, refreshments, snacks lunch or dinner, since we are the only 100% Bio/Organic Restaurant and Shop in Phuket, we are always glad to be able to offer drinks and foods that meet the needs of everyone.
We need to remember that people who come to our restaurant are aware of what they are looking for, sometimes it is a strict diet, therapy, allergies, health maintenance, babies or children's special needs.
Our Mango and Apple Juices are imported from Germany,(Rabenhorst ,it is Bio Cultivation,) a special aromatic sort of apple, from one the traditional Bio Companies, they are by far the best in Quality, Taste, Bio Agricultural method, freshness and fruit ripeness.
Comparing freshly pressed juices to the bottled ones we receive from Germany there was no difference in nutrients composition, they are kept frozen and shipped frozen, not pasteurized or added conservators, vitamins and enzymes are as good as fresh.
Our own Stone Mill production of Organic Almonds and Nuts spreads, Creams and Butter,
The Almonds imported from Greece or India where the original Centenary Almond trees have been naturally well preserved. Taste the difference, many friends who usually eat them are unanimous of the opinion of a superior taste and worth the slightly higher price.
We have been very long in the Bio/Organic trade, we are sure we have found the best of each product we bring to our, customers, guests and family.
We are glad to share them to our customers and friends, we are also proud of the selection we managed to bring to Thailand.
To better understand the issue, read please a few excerpts on Conventional Almond Industry below
The next product which needs comment is our Yoghurt. We receive a Certified Organic Milk from a hill farmer isolated from the mainstream agricultural areas, as everyone knows, conventional milk carries not only pesticides residues but also strong antibiotic residues.
Pyrethroids applied on the body of cows to protect from ticks have been found in the blood of cows.
Our Organic Cow Milk Yoghurt is fermented under the Greek method. "Taste the difference"
Not to be missed, our selection of Honey, world' top quality ones, from Greece and New Zealand, are considered some of the tastiest and nutrition-rich ones in the world, of course, there is great honey in many countries but unfortunately only obtainable locally and short supply.
To obtain quality honey a rarely mentioned condition is crucial for bees health, the 4 seasons, so bees can feed on flowers Pollem to supply their needs so bees do not need to be fed refined sugars.
Last but not least, for a perfect breakfast our Fresh Baked Organic Bread, the flours are ground daily in a stone mill, fermented with natural leaven, Sea Salt, many kinds, Buckwheat,
(Gluten-Free), Whole Wheat, enriched with Walnuts, Sunflower seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Alkaline water, and no fats.
To complement and hydrate we recommend the traditional Japanese Kukicha, the twinges are harvested in the fall and winter, the caffeine content is naturally at its lowest, compared to other seasons. The twinges are then steamed, cooled, dried and aged for at least one year before being roasted., the mild and particular tea flavor at its best, is very satisfying.
"Taste the difference"
As regards nut products, the situation gets even worse and more serious, about 80 % of conventional nuts and dried raisins are imported from the USA, these are produced in massive monocultures that require a variety of chemicals for a successful harvest.
The Conventional USA nuts are much cheaper but also the most toxic in the long run. (ZIRAM, ORYZALIN GLYPHOSATE, PARAQUAT, HYDROCHLORIC EXTRACT) believe it or not, these are the exact series of pesticides used for Almonds and other USA nut products.
Why it is a big responsibility for us to make sure our product sources are 100% reliable and capable of guaranteeing free of any residues ?
In severe cases of allergies, for example, people who suffer from Central Nervous Degenerative Diseases are very sensitive to Phosphates based Pesticides, residues of these chemicals in fruits and food trigger fits and very painful cramps, this is sometimes misunderstood as being caused by the disease when truly it is the chemical toxicity that caused the reaction.
In the case of "Multiple Sclerosis" it hits harder, the Myelin Sheath ( the fat cover of the nervous fibers),very small wounds appear on them when the immune system is weak, the chemical touches these wounds and triggers fits.
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