About Us

The journey to macrobiotic & vegan lifestyle

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Our Company

Macrobiotic World is the first and only vegan marketplace in the country to sell products exclusively from 100% vegan brands. All the products we offer come from independent companies that do not use any animal ingredients in anything they make and never conduct any animal testing. We do not sell any products from companies owned by parent companies who make non-vegan products or conduct animal testing. Every penny spent at our vegan shop goes towards building an entirely vegan economy free of human oppression, corporate profiteers, animal cruelty, and those prioritizing profit over people. We are proud to operate three branches in Thailand: Phuket, Chiang Mai, and Pai. Thank you for supporting Macrobiotic World by Natural Efe. Together, we are creating a compassionate, natural future.

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Our Journey

Macrobiotic World by Natural Efe was founded in 2010 by Mr. Douridas Konstantinos as the first vegan product shop in Ko Pha Ngan. Driven by a vision to spread the benefits of vegan living, Mr. Konstantinos relocated the shop from Ko Pha Ngan to Phuket. His dedication to promoting a healthier, plant-based lifestyle led to the expansion of Macrobiotic World, and years later, we proudly opened branches in Chiang Mai and Pai. Throughout this journey, we have remained committed to offering high-quality, cruelty-free products from independent vegan brands. Our growth and success are a testament to our unwavering dedication to creating a compassionate, natural future. Thank you for being a part of this journey and supporting us. Together, we are making a positive impact on the world.

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Our Vision

Our vision is to create a global community where natural, healthy, and compassionate living is accessible to all. We envision a world where plant-based diets are celebrated for their benefits to individual health, animal welfare, and the environment. By leading this movement, we aim to inspire mindful choices that contribute to a more harmonious world. Our dedication to ethical practices guides every aspect of our business, from sourcing high-quality organic ingredients. Join us on our journey towards a more natural, healthier, and compassionate lifestyle

Our Mission Image

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a compassionate and natural future by providing exclusively vegan products that are free from animal cruelty and exploitation. We are dedicated to supporting independent companies that share our values of ethical production and transparency. Our goal is to foster a vegan economy that prioritizes the well-being of people, animals, and the planet. We strive to offer high-quality vegan health products and non-food items while ensuring exceptional customer service and support. By choosing our products, you are contributing to a movement that opposes human oppression, corporate profiteering, and prioritizes ethical consumption. Together, we are building a world where every purchase promotes wellness, compassion, and a natural lifestyle.

Why Organic Food Image

Why Organic Food?

Organic food is essential for our well-being as it nurtures the human body with nutrient-dense, chemical-free nourishment. Consuming organic food reduces exposure to harmful pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, which can have detrimental effects on our health, including endocrine disruption and negative impacts on the gut microbiome. Organic farming practices also promote biodiversity, enhance soil health, and reduce environmental pollution, contributing to a better world and healthier planet. By choosing organic, we support agricultural methods that prioritize the health of both people and natural farming.

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Why Non-GMO Foods?

Non-GMO foods are crucial because they preserve the natural integrity of our food supply. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can pose risks to human health, including potential allergenicity and the unintended effects of genetic manipulation. Non-GMO foods ensure that we consume products that are free from these risks, maintaining the natural genetic makeup of plants and animals. Additionally, non-GMO farming practices help protect biodiversity, support organic natural agriculture, and reduce the reliance on chemical inputs. By choosing non-GMO foods, we advocate for a safer, more transparent food system that respects nature and human health, and natural farmers.