Protesters hold bees killed by pesticides prior to the annual shareholders meeting of German chemicals and pharmaceuticals conglomerate Bayer AG on April 26, 2019 in Bonn, Germany. (Photo: Maja Hitij via Getty Images)
The European Union's top court ruled Thursday in favor of the European Commission's partial ban on three pesticides hazardous to bees, much to the chagrin of Bayer—the German pharmaceutical and biotech company that merged with agrochemical giant Monsanto in 2018.
Bayer attempted to overturn the ban and undermine the E.U.'s "precautionary principle" for the protection of environmental and human health, but the European Court of Justice dismissed the corporation's appeal and backed a lower court's 2018 decision to uphold restrictions on the use of some pesticides on certain crops. In 2013, the Commission banned the use of imidacloprid, clothianidin, and thiamethoxam—three bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides—on maize, rapseed, and some cereals.
"The Court of Justice has reaffirmed that protecting nature and people's health takes precedence over the narrow economic interests of powerful multinationals and that the precautionary principle is a cornerstone of E.U. law," Greenpeace E.U. legal strategist Andrea Carta said in response to the top court's ratification of the ban.
Fair treatment of Honey Bees is possible and ongoing.
Comercial Honey production is unfair, aggressive both for bees and for nature.
Same as with every mass production foods from conventional agricultural cultures no regard, respect for bees life is taken into consideration.
Bees are regarded as working slaves, quantity and profit are the final purpose.
Vegans are rightfully against consuming Honey, in order to protect bees life, although on the other hand they also promote this unfair trade by consuming GMO and Pesticides produced foods which by sequence destroy polinators such as bees and butterflies.
Bio and Organic sourced Honeys are harvested from polem obtained by bees,
from forests and fields, trees and flowers, by domesticated bees treated fairly and humanly, very important to note that not all Honey produced by the bees is taken from their combs, more than enough is left for the bees own needs and Nutrition.
The Organic Bee Caretakers love their bees as everyone else who owns pets or animals.
Domesticated bees are protected from Pesticides contaminated areas, taken by their owners in their living boxes to natural clean areas , protected from harsh weather, also protected from animals and birds which feed on Honey and insects.
Be reassured, by consuming Bio/Organic honey you are in Fair and Responsible agreement with Sustainability and Nature's best conservation practices, + enjoy the vitality and taste given by this truly rich natural flowers polem.
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