Probios | Organic Dulse Dried Seaweed 25g
Weight : 25g
We are presenting our Dulse (Palmaria palmata) today.
One of the most nutritious SEAWEED harvested in West of Ireland and Western English Channel.
This rose-colored seaweed is known for its impressive nutrition content and unique flavor. It tastes a bit like bacon

and can be added to many everyday recipes, like breads, pizzas, salads, soups, salads and cooked vegetables.

Why to take it?
abundant in macro- and micronutrients, including protein, fiber, antioxidants, iodine, potassium and B vitamins.
Specifically IODINE is known to be deficient in many people due to lack of it in modern diet. And iodine is a vital nutrient that’s responsible for supporting healthy metabolism, regulating thyroid function, and preventing various chronic conditions.
POTASSIUM is required for the proper function of the brain and heart, and plays an essential role in electrolyte balance.
Algal polysaccharides and CHLOROPHYLL content help to reduce inflammation in a body, regulate gut microbiome and improve satiety.
Dulse is a potent PROTEIN-rich seaweed. It is beneficial for cardiovascular system, and maintaining healthy weight.
It provides dietary fiber essential for proper digestion.

How to take it?
1) Soak in water for 5 minutes.
2) Drain and eliminate excess water.
3) After soaking, Dulse expands to 5 times its dried weight.
Add to your recipe. Rehydrated and added as an ingredient for soups, stews, croquettes, omelettes, pasta, rice, couscous.
*We recommend using this product in small quantities and sporadically, no more than 1g of dried seaweed daily (a pinch) per person.
It is nutritious and delicious! Give it a try!
Organic dried seaweed Dulse.
What is it?
Red seaweed with cartilaginous texture and crustacean flavour.
Ingredients: organic dulse flakes (Palmaria palmata)
It may contain traces of crustacea, fish, molluscs.
This is a product from the sea, we recommend a visual inspection in addition to the soaking and rinsing operations, to remove any accidental fragments of shells or marine debris. There may be a white coating on the seaweed: this is completely natural phenomenon due to the presence of naturally occurring salts.
This product is naturally high in iodine. We recommend using this product in small quantities and sporadically, no more than 1g of dried seaweed daily (a pinch) per person.
Dulse seaweed harvested in West of Ireland and Western English Channel.
Keep in a cool dry place.
Natural Efe | DULSE - Органические сушеные водоросли
Вес: 25 г
Красные водоросли с хрящевой текстурой и вкусом ракообразных.
Как можно использовать: Регидратированный и добавленный в качестве ингредиента для супов, рагу, крокетов, омлетов, макарон, риса, кускуса.
Для регидратации: 1. Замочите в воде на 5 минут. , 2. Слейте воду и удалите лишнюю воду , 3. После замачивания Dulse расширяется в 5 раз по сравнению с сухим весом.