Organic-Bio Oolong Herb Tea 50g
Weight : 50g
Oolong Tea - A Natural Elixir of Flavor and Wellness
Oolong tea, derived from the Camellia sinensis plant, boasts a rich history dating back centuries. This semi-fermented tea has gained recognition for its distinctive flavor profile, making it a popular choice among tea enthusiasts worldwide. Let's delve into the intriguing features, uses, health benefits, and more of this remarkable vegan, gluten-free, and bio-organic beverage.
Features Based on Ingredients:
- Camellia sinensis: Oolong tea is meticulously crafted from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, ensuring the highest quality and natural goodness in every cup.
Health Benefits:
- Antioxidant Rich: Oolong tea contains a wealth of antioxidants, aiding in the fight against free radicals and potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
- Metabolic Boost: Regular consumption of oolong tea may enhance metabolism, aiding in weight management.
- Digestive Aid: Oolong tea can promote healthy digestion, potentially alleviating discomfort associated with indigestion.
- Mental Alertness: The tea's caffeine content provides a gentle energy boost, helping to improve mental alertness.
Product Usage:
Oolong tea is versatile in its uses, offering a soothing and refreshing beverage. It can be enjoyed hot or cold, as a stand-alone beverage, or paired with a variety of foods. Incorporate it into your daily routine for a calming experience.
Nutritional Information (per 8 oz portion):
- Calories: 0
- Macronutrients:
- Carbohydrates: 0g
- Protein: 0g
- Fat: 0g
- Micronutrients (DV%):
- Potassium: 1%
- Magnesium: 2%
- Niacin (Vitamin B3): 1%
Suggested Portion Size: One 8 oz cup (240 ml) for optimal health benefits.
Simple Vegetarian Recipes:
- Vegan Oolong Peach Iced Tea
- Ingredients: Oolong tea, fresh peach slices, agave syrup
- Preparation: Brew oolong tea, chill, add peach slices, sweeten with agave syrup.
- Consumption: Serve over ice for a refreshing vegan summer drink.
- Oolong Tea Facial Toner
- Ingredients: Oolong tea, distilled water
- Preparation: Brew a strong oolong tea, let it cool, mix with equal parts distilled water.
- Application: Apply to the face with a cotton pad for a natural skin toner.
- Oolong Tea Detox Infusion
- Ingredients: Oolong tea, fresh ginger slices, lemon juice, honey
- Preparation: Brew oolong tea, add ginger slices, lemon juice, and honey to taste.
- Consumption: Enjoy as a detoxifying beverage to cleanse your system.
- Oolong Tea Expiry Rescue Smoothie
- Ingredients: Expired oolong tea, frozen berries, banana, honey
- Preparation: Blend expired oolong tea with berries, banana, and honey.
- Consumption: Make the most of leftover tea with a revitalizing smoothie.
Oolong tea stands as a testament to the power of nature, offering a delightful blend of flavors and an array of health benefits. Perfect for vegans and those with gluten sensitivities, it provides a delicious way to support your overall well-being. Whether you savor it for its unique taste or appreciate its potential health benefits, oolong tea is a timeless classic suitable for anyone seeking a wholesome beverage. Embrace the tradition and experience the goodness of this bio-organic delight.
Знаете ли вы, что улун, зеленый и черный чай на самом деле происходят из одного растения? Отличие этих классических изделий в том, как они обработаны. Чай улун находится где-то в середине процесса старения. Больше не зеленый, но еще не достиг полной зрелости, чтобы стать черным.
Чай улун естественно содержит фтор, поэтому он может помочь предотвратить кариес. Это также хороший источник питательных микроэлементов, полифенолов, которые помогают улучшить пищеварение, контролировать вес и даже нейродегенеративные заболевания.
Как использовать
Заварите улун в стиле «горшочка», сначала погрузив его в течение 5 секунд в горячую воду, чтобы листья не свернулись. Затем заваривайте 3-5 раз по 10-20 секунд каждый перед тем, как процедить, чтобы дать вам ощущение глубины вкуса! Употребляйте менее 1 литра в день. Идеально утром с завтраком, а также можно употреблять 30 минут на обед или ужин.