Organic/Bio Rice Protein 84% โปรตีนจากข้าว
Weight : 500g
The Essence of Pure Grain: Rice Protein Powder from Oryza sativa
Since time immemorial, Oryza sativa, commonly known as rice, has graced the fields and tables of countless civilizations. Integral to countless cultures, rice has not just been a staple food but has also been revered for its nourishing qualities. From this ancient grain, we have derived our Rice Protein Powder, preserving the authentic and natural essence of its origin. With a delicate natural flavor that doesn't overpower, this protein powder becomes an adaptable addition to various dishes, enhancing their nutritive value while remaining subtly in the backdrop.
Features Based on Ingredients:
- Oryza sativa (Rice): Derived from the time-honored grain, our protein powder harnesses the wholesome goodness of rice, ensuring you get a natural and organic source of protein.
- 84% Protein Content: A potent source of plant-based protein, perfect for those following vegetarian or vegan diets, and for anyone seeking a high-quality protein addition.
- Vegan & Gluten-Free: Crafted without the inclusion of animal-derived ingredients and free from gluten, making it suitable for various dietary needs.
- Bio & Organic: Sustainably sourced and made without the use of artificial enhancers, ensuring you get a product that's as close to nature as possible.
Health Benefits:
- Plant-Based Nutrition: Vegan-friendly, offering a valuable protein source without relying on animal-derived ingredients.
- Gluten-Free: Ideal for individuals with gluten sensitivities or those avoiding gluten in their diet.
- Organically Sourced: Ensures reduced exposure to pesticides and artificial chemicals, promoting cleaner nutrition.
Product Usage:
This powder can be seamlessly blended into smoothies, baked goods, or any dish that requires a protein boost. It can also be simply mixed with water or plant-based milk for a straightforward protein shake.
Average Nutritional Facts Per 100 grams:
- Macronutrients:
- Protein: 84g
- Carbohydrates: 4g (of which sugars: 0.5g)
- Fats: 1g
- Micronutrients (Values in DV% might vary depending on local regulations):
- Iron: 10% DV
- Calcium: 8% DV
- Magnesium: 15% DV
Suggested Dosage for Efficacy:
3 tablespoons (approx. 30 grams) daily. Adjust as per individual needs.
- Vegan Rice Protein Shake:
- Ingredients: 3 tablespoons Rice Protein Powder, 1 cup almond milk, 1 banana, 2 dates, 1 tbsp chia seeds.
- Preparation: Blend all ingredients together until smooth.
- Consumption: Drink immediately after preparation.
- Storage: Best consumed fresh.
- On-The-Go Rice Protein Bars:
- Ingredients: 1 cup Rice Protein Powder, 2 tbsp maple syrup, 1/2 cup oats, 1/2 cup nut butter, 1/4 cup dried fruits.
- Preparation: Mix all ingredients, press into a pan, and refrigerate for 2 hours.
- Consumption: Cut into bars and enjoy.
- Storage: Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.
- Rice Protein Face Mask:
- Ingredients: 1 tablespoon Rice Protein Powder, 2 tbsp aloe vera gel, 1 tbsp honey.
- Preparation: Mix to form a paste.
- Consumption: Apply to the face, leave for 20 minutes, then wash off.
- Storage: Use immediately after preparation.
- Detox Rice Protein Smoothie:
- Ingredients: 2 tablespoons Rice Protein Powder, 1 cup kale, 1/2 apple, 1 lemon (juiced), 1 tsp ginger.
- Preparation: Blend all ingredients until smooth.
- Consumption: Drink immediately for maximum freshness.
- Storage: Best consumed immediately.
- Expired Rice Protein Garden Booster:
- Ingredients: Expired Rice Protein Powder.
- Preparation: Mix with water to form a thin liquid.
- Consumption: Pour over plants as a nutritional boost.
- Storage: Use immediately after mixing.
The Essence of Pure Grain: Rice Protein Powder from Oryza sativa is more than just a protein source. It is a homage to ancient nutrition, refined and presented in its most potent form. Ideal for those seeking a high-quality, plant-based protein source, this product is a testament to nature's ability to provide for all our dietary needs. Whether you're vegan, gluten-sensitive, or simply seeking a purer way of life, this protein powder is for you. Choose it not just for its protein content but for its embodiment of nature's purity and simplicity.
Органический / био-рисовый протеин 84%
Вес: 500 г
Рисовый протеин содержит наибольшее количество протеина из нашей линейки органических растений, рисовый протеин - отличное дополнение к вашей собственной протеиновой смеси. Одна порция содержит граммы белка и имеет нейтральный вкус, который идеально подходит для смешивания с другими белками для создания вашей собственной уникальной смеси! Хотя рисовый белок имеет очень высокий аминокислотный профиль, он лишен некоторых других важных компонентов, таких как активные ферменты и омега-жирные. кислоты, которые делают другие наши растительные белки особенными.
Мы рекомендуем время от времени переключать источники добавок растительных белков, чтобы получать наилучшее разнообразие витаминов, минералов и аминокислот, содержащихся во всех ваших вариантах белка..