Organic/Bio | Yogi Tea Men's Tea
Yogi Tea

Organic/Bio | Yogi Tea Men's Tea

Regular price 300.00 ฿
10 in stock

Organic/Bio | Yogi Tea Men's Tea

Import from Germany.

Weight : 30.6g (17 Teabags | 1.8g)

Discover the robust and invigorating Organic/Bio Yogi Tea Men's Tea, crafted to support the masculine energy within us all. Imported from Germany, this blend is thoughtfully packaged in 30.6g boxes containing 17 teabags, each weighing 1.8g. This tea offers a unique and powerful combination of herbs and spices designed to restore balance and vitality.

Flavor Profile: Yogi Tea Men's Tea is a bold, spicy blend that begins with a strong ginger base (15%), known for its revitalizing properties. It is complemented by the earthy depth of roasted chicory and the subtle warmth of ginseng. A touch of chili pepper adds a fiery note that stimulates the senses, while a mix of cardamom, cinnamon, and black pepper provides a spicy complexity. Sweet undertones come from liquorice, carob, and barley malt, making each cup both balanced and invigorating.

Ingredients and Their Benefits:

  • Ginger: Stimulates digestion and combats inflammation.
  • Ginseng Extract (2%): Enhances energy and supports cognitive function.
  • Roasted Chicory: Adds depth and supports digestion.
  • Chili Pepper (1%): Boosts metabolism and increases energy.
  • Cardamom, Cinnamon, and Black Pepper: These spices help improve digestion and add a rich flavor.
  • Turmeric Root: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Astragalus: Boosts the immune system and can help increase stamina.
  • Fenugreek, Fennel, and Anise: Support digestive health and add a slight sweetness to the blend.

Ideal For: Yogi Tea Men's Tea is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their vitality and strength, especially during times of stress or fatigue. It's suitable for enjoying at any time of day, whether starting the morning with a revitalizing cup or taking a moment in the afternoon to re-energize and focus.

Brewing Instructions: To enjoy the full strength and flavor of Yogi Tea Men's Tea, pour boiling water over one teabag and allow it to infuse for 5-7 minutes. The longer you steep, the more pronounced the flavors and benefits.

Essence of the Tea: The essence of Yogi Tea Men's Tea is 'Strength'. It is crafted to help harmonize the inner masculine and feminine energies, promoting a sense of balance and empowerment. This tea is not just a beverage; it's a supportive tool for maintaining energy and well-being.

Enjoy Yogi Tea Men's Tea as part of a balanced lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a nutritious diet. Each cup is a step towards revitalizing your body and spirit, enabling you to fully realize your ideas and potential. Embrace the strength within and let this tea help you achieve a harmonious balance.


Natural Efe | Мужской чай | Йоги Чай Органический

Импорт из Германии.

Вес: 30,6 г (17 пакетиков | 1,8 г)

Органический мужской чай Yogi Tea - мужская сторона каждого из нас страдает от стресса, истощения и чрезмерного переедания, которые могут негативно повлиять на наше тело в отношении силы и силы. Баланс можно восстановить с помощью упражнений, полноценного отдыха и правильного питания. Тогда мы сможем полностью раскрыть наши идеи и потенциал. Yogi Tea Мужской чай с имбирем, жареным цикорием, женьшенем и перцем чили - это чай с прекрасным вкусом, которым можно наслаждаться в любое время, чтобы помочь нам найти баланс наших внутренних мужских и женских сил. Суть этого чая - «Сила».

Состав: имбирь (15%), кардамон, лакрица, рожковое дерево, корица, ячменный солод, жареный цикорий, мята перечная, пажитник, фенхель, мускат, анис, экстракт женьшеня (натуральный ароматизатор) (2%), астрагал, корень куркумы, перец чили. (1%), экстракт корицы (натуральный ароматизатор), черный перец

Способ применения: залейте чайный пакетик кипятком, дайте настояться 5-7 минут, затем наслаждайтесь!