Namaste India | Natural Myrrh Masala Incense 30g

Namaste India | Natural Myrrh Masala Incense 30g

Regular price 90.00 ฿

Namaste India | Natural Myrrh Masala Incense

Net weight: 30g

Product Overview:

Introducing the Natural Myrrh Masala Incense, an exquisite selection of handcrafted incense sticks made with organic, natural ingredients and essential oils. This premium incense collection features eight captivating variants, each designed to enhance your living space with a unique aroma and therapeutic benefits. Variants include Palo Santo, White Sage, Nag Champa, Sandalwood, English Lavender, Myrrh, Patchouli, and Cinnamon—each stick meticulously crafted to deliver a pure and potent fragrance experience.

Key Features:

  • Organic Composition: Made from high-quality, sustainable sources, our incense sticks ensure a safe and environmentally friendly burning experience, free from synthetic additives.
  • Rich Aromatic Variants: Choose from a diverse range of scents, each offering its unique properties. Whether it's the calming essence of English Lavender or the earthy undertones of Patchouli and Cinnamon, there's a scent to suit every mood and occasion.
  • Relaxation and Well-being: Ideal for meditation, yoga sessions, or simply unwinding after a long day, these incense sticks help reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of peace and well-being.

Usage Recommendations:

  • Suggested Portion Size: Use one stick per session, which will burn approximately for 45-60 minutes, perfectly timing your relaxation or meditation practices.
  • Lighting Instructions: Light the tip of the stick until it turns dark red, then blow out the flame, allowing the incense to smolder and release its fragrant smoke.

Additional Features or Tips:

  • Enhance Your Environment: Place the incense in a proper holder on a stable surface away from flammable materials to enjoy the full aromatic benefits safely.

Sustainability and Handling Expired Product:

  • Sustainability Tips: Our incense sticks are biodegradable and made with recyclable packaging to minimize environmental impact.
  • Handling Expired Product: If the incense loses its scent or you find remnants after its best before date, consider using the sticks as a natural deodoriser for closets or drawers.

Storage Guidance:

  • Keep Out of Reach of Children: Ensure safety by storing the incense sticks away from young children.
  • Integrity of the Product: Do not use if the packaging is damaged or compromised.
  • Storage Conditions: Store in a cool, dry place to preserve the quality and fragrance of the incense.

Overall Appeal, Unique Qualities, and Wellness Benefits:

Natural Myrrh Masala Incense is renowned for its stress-relieving properties and ability to reduce anxiety. With its all-natural composition and a delightful range of scents, it offers a pure, therapeutic experience that not only pleases the senses but also enhances your overall mental and emotional well-being. Elevate your environment and soothe your spirit with the timeless aroma of Natural Myrrh Masala Incense, your perfect companion for relaxation and rejuvenation.